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Changelog · Jun 15, 2020

Quality insights

We continue to work on the Insights product area. This week we are adding Quality Insights to help teams stay on top of their Continuous Integration pipelines, and working on all new Insights about flow.

Quality insights: build time

In addition to flaky builds, Continuous Integration Insights has a new tab that plots build times on a timeline. Drill down to a given day to see the average build runtimes and the number of builds.

Coming soon: Controlling the amount of unfinished work is a great way to stay focused and improve flow. Find out next week how we can help teams locate bottlenecks and understand how much work they have on their plate!

Other improvements

  • Small usability improvements in Work Log
  • Improved database and app performance
  • UI tweaks and small bugfixes to Quality Insights
  • Usability improvements in Team and GitHub Settings

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