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Changelog · Dec 8, 2020

A better way to manage pull requests

Swarmia continues to build tools that surface the otherwise invisible work in software teams and help you get a clear picture of your pull requests inbox. Now we’re adding new essential filters providing an at-a-glance overview of all pull requests in both personal and team context:

  • Unlinked. Pull requests that are not linked to an issue.
  • Participating. Pull requests where you are a reviewer, author, or commenter.
  • From other teams. Pull requests created by other teams, and assigned to your team to review.
  • 24h stale and over 7 days old. Best kept empty.

Soon, bot-created pull requests are getting a new home too. Contact us for more details.

Other improvements

  • Fixed an issue where some mentions wouldn’t be delivered via Slack. Another great reason to enable our personal reminders.
  • Fixed an issue where some stale pull requests would show up twice in pull request overview.
  • Improved error handling across the application.
  • Improved organization onboarding.

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