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Changelog · Jun 20, 2024

Analyze your investment balance through multiple lenses

Engineering organizations make dozens of decisions every week that all affect teams’ focus and the outcomes of their work. Quantifying this focus allows engineering leaders and teams to base prioritization discussions on data rather than intuition alone.

While we’re huge advocates of the Balance Framework, it only offers one perspective into team focus. However, leaders need to be able to answer a variety of questions, including:

  • How do we reduce reactive work?
  • How much are we able to focus on our key initiatives?
  • How much are we investing in a specific product area?

To make answering these questions easier, we’re introducing additional breakdowns into your engineering investments. Like before, you can create categories based on a broad set of filters to get a more holistic view of engineering teams’ focus. The focus reports roll up across your engineering organization and allow you to drill down to individual projects and issues.

Swarmia admins can create new views by navigating to the Investment Balance view and clicking the add breakdown button.

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