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Build your business case

See how fast your investment in Swarmia will pay off. Calculate your return on investment based on the features you’re using.
Features we’re using:
Time saved
3158 hours
The number of developer hours Swarmia saves you in a year
Return on investment
The number of times you get your investment in Swarmia back
7 days
The time it takes for an annual investment in Swarmia to start paying off
Frequently asked questions
How do I build a business case for Swarmia?

You can use the calculator on this page to get a conservative estimate of the value Swarmia can bring to your engineering organization. The numbers show that investing in Swarmia is a no-brainer for most organizations.

You can also take a look at our customer case studies to find practical examples of the value individual customers have realized from adopting Swarmia.

If you need help in making the case to your finance or leadership team, we’re happy to help. Just drop an email to

What are the numbers in the calculator based on?

The numbers in the calculator are based on our experience working with thousands of modern software engineering teams.

The reference values are intentionally conservative, and they should be achievable to any organization using Swarmia. In fact, most organizations see much better results with Swarmia. For example, our customers often see 2-4x improvements in flow efficiency, 20-50% improvements in cycle time, and a 10-20% increase in throughput.

If you’re interested in real-life examples of the results some of our customers have seen, take a look at our case studies with Factorial, Gorgias, and ProductsUp.

Does the calculator account for all Swarmia features?

No, we’ve chosen a subset of Swarmia features for the calculator to make it work for most software organizations. We understand that the features you’ll find valuable depend on your organization’s unique context.

If you’re interested in learning more about Swarmia features, you can read more or watch our product overview video.

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